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" करू ज्ञानी गुणवंत सकल । कोणी न राहो अज्ञ दुर्बल "

Phondaghat Education Society's

Dist Sindhudurg 416601, Maharashtra State, INDIA

Department of Geography

Special Geography Literature

Course Available

Sindhudurg District is the Konkan area of Maharashtra having stretch of land on the west coast of India, endowed with the beautiful seashore, picturesque mountains and scenic natural beauty. Phondaghat village having various dominant significances, like as Linear shaped village situated at the foot hill zone of Sayhadri Mountain, Silica sand mining area, weekly pan market, fruit likes Alphanso, cashew-nut and rich bio-diversity of flora and fauna. Thus the college running Geography department for to know surroundings environment to the students.



  1. To get update knowledge of the Earth which is external forces affecting on the Earth.
  2. Awareness about environment and conservation of biodiversity.


To awareness about physical and social environment of Phondaghat panchcroshi and the district.


To develop modern attitude , use of GIS, Computer in the subject. Motivate and conserve for various development.

Special efforts to the students:

On the occasion of Geography Day the department has organized every year special wall paper on current issue as well as physical environment of  Phondaghat region. Thematic maps, Slide Projector and Computer these teaching aids are used for teaching methodology for the depth of study.

 Establishment                       : 1997
 Number of Teaching posts   :  01
 Sanctioned Post  – 01            : Filled 01 (Fulltime)

Programme:    Bachelor of Arts (BA):
Programme Outcomes:

  1. Knowledge – Learners will be able to recognize definition nature scope importance and approaches of environmental geography and to identify the location origin and administrative environment of India.  Learners will be able to recognize trend of tourism development in the World.  Learners will be able to memorize essential background of map basic s and map projections and to identify essential background of basics of statistical techniques.
  2. Analysis – learners will be able to criticize and understand the problems of physical and manmade environment. Learners will be able to analysis the concepts of sustainable development equally life-style by spare reserves and environmental impact assessment. Learners will be able to analyze urbanization in India urban problems and smart city. Learners will be able to estimate elements of tourism. Learners will be able to determine the use of data collection methods statistical techniques and interpretation of same to prepare a geographical report.
  3. Application – learners will be able to analysis the importance distribution and development of resources. Learners will be able to discover concepts like air water land and noise pollution. Learners will be able to compute geographical data for Geographical Representation.
  4. Comprehension – Learners will be able to describe meaning, structure, functions and types of ecosystem, distribution of trade and conservation of biodiversity.  Learners will be able to describe interdependence between tourism  and geography.

Name of Faculty

Academic Qualification


Dr. Rajaram Balaso Patil

M. A., Ph., D.

Associate Professor

 Student Strength









Paper I







Paper II & III







Paper IV, V & VI






Dr. Rajaram Balaso Patil
Associate Professor and Head
(Chairman Board of Studies in Geography, University of Mumbai since September, 2022)

Department of Geography

Arts and Commerce College, Phondaghat Tal: Kankavli, Dist: Sindhudurg (MS)


Short Term Course


Web of Science/ Scopus

Approve Research Journal with Impact Factor

International Journal Peer Reviewed with Impact Factor

Chapter in Book & Proceeding

Book & Edited Book


Paper Reading State, National & International











































Departmental Activities- 2019-2020

  1. 14/01/2020 – Dr. Hemant Pednekar has given lecture on the occasion of Geography Day. 30 students were participated in Geography day programme.
  2. 15/01/2020 – IQAC Department and  Konkan Geographers Association of India has jointly organized One day National Level Workshop on ‘Practical Approach to Climate Change’, Resource Person- Dr. S. A. Thakur (President – Konkan Geographers Association of India), Dr. Hemant Pednekar (Principal (Arts Commerce And Science College Onde, Tal :Vikramgad, Dist: Palghar), and  in the presence of Shri. Sanjay Apte – Chairman-PES, Phondaghat, Shri. Manish Gandhi-Secretary –PES, Shri. Sameer Mangle- Treasurer -PES, Shri. Avinash Sapale- Director–PES, Dr. S. N. Kamat-Principal and Dr. R. B. Patil Organizing secretary of Workshop.
  3. 04/03/2020 Resource person Dr. Vinod Pawar (Satara) given lecture on Importance and opportunities in Geography subject. 25 students were participated in guest lecture.
  4. 03/05/2020- International Conference on Role of Economy and Ecology in Sustainable Development. During the lockdown period, Department of Geography, Department of Economics and IQAC jointly organized online International conference on 03/05/2020. The key note address given by Scott Kafora (Texas -USA). The following resource persons have delivered lectures on related theme. Dr. Shishank (London-UK), Dr. Inebehi Ukpong (Nigeria), Dr. Bhalchandra Mungekar (Ex. MP India), Dr. Ravindra Kulkarni (Pro VC , University of Mumbai) Dr. Praveen Saptarshi (Salisberg University USA), Dr. Hemant Pedenkar (Mumbai) Dr. R. B. Patil, Dr. B. A. Survase was the conveners  and Dr. S. N. kamat was organizing secretary of the conference. 243 Participants attended and many participants presented their research papers through videos and Zoom App.

Departmental Activities- 2020-2021

  1. Due to pandemic period most of the lectures, examination and activities were held on online mode i.e. Whats App., Google Meet, Zoom App and Google links.
  2. Faculty member attended State, National and International levels webinars related to Geography subject.
  3. 17/08/2021Department of Geography organized International Conference on the theme  Conservation and Management of Natural Resources.
  4. Faculty member engaged in research work. Most of the activities organized by work from home.

Departmental Activities- 2021-2022

  1. 17/08/2021- International Conference on Conservation and Management of Natural Resources. Department of Geography, IQAC and Konkan Geographers Association of India jointly organized International conference on hybrid mode on 17/08/2021. The following resource persons have delivered lectures on related theme. Dr. Mohamed Aziz  (Galala University, Egypt), Dr. Idooko Ojochenemi (Kogi University, Nigeria) Dr. Khahaniya Sakpota (Tribhuvan University Nepal), Dr. Prashant Sawant (Bahrain University), Dr. Abhay Deshwandikar (Australia), Dr. Shivram Thakur Chairman BoS in Geography, University of Mumbai. Dr. R. B. Patil was the organizing secretary and Dr. S. N. kamat was Convener of the Conference. 72 delegates were present for the conference in hybrid mode.
  2. 16/03/2022 organized student and faculty exchange programme at Govt. College, Khandola Goa. Dr. Prabir Rath given lecture on opportunity in Tourism. Dr. R. B. Patil has also given lecture on importance and chain of tourism. 22 students were participated in this programme.

Departmental Activities- 2022-2023

  1. 11/07/22 organized Population day Resource person Dr. Balaji Survase given lecture on Population and economic activities. 40 students were present for the programme.
  2. 16/09/2022 organized Ozone day Resource person Prof. Dnayonba Phad given lecture on ozone. 62 students were present for the programme.
  3. 14/01/2023 organized Geography day Resource person Dr. Hemant Pednkear inaugurated wall paper and delivered   lecture on Save Earth. 30 students were present for the programme.
  4. 02/03/2023 Prof. Manoj Nimabalkar (Baramati-Pune) has given lecture on How to write project work
  5. 25/03/2022 organized study tour at Caluangute beach, Miramar beach and dounapoula beach goa.10 students participated in study tour.

Departmental Activities- 2023-2024

  1. 29/08/2023 – Prof. Sanjaykumar Menshi (Kolhapur) has given lecture on how to write filed visit report. 55 students were participated in the workshop.
  2. 01/09/2023 – organized field visit at Lore metrological department center. Resource Person Shri. Marathe has explained the practical activities of center.
  3. 15/01/2024 – Dr. Hemant Pednekar has given lecture on the occasion of Geography Day. 22 students were participated in Geography day programme.
  4. 27/01/1014 -Student and faculty exchange programme organized at Deogad College. Dr. Sardar Patil has given lecture on Sources of Power. 08 students were visited to deogad college and windmill. Students also visited to kandalgaon mangroovs safari.
  5. 25/03/2024 Field trip organized at old Goa church, Miramar beach and mangeshi temple11 students were participated in study tour and completed report.

Departmental Activities- 2019-2020

14/01/2020 – Geography Day. (Resource Person Dr. Hemant Pednekar has given lecture)

15/01/2020- National workshop – on Practical Approach to Climate Change

Inauguration and Proceedings release function- Dr. Hemant Pednekar Ex. Senate Member University of Mumbai, Shri. Sanjay Apte Chairman- Phondaghat Education Society Phondaghat and Directors

Practical teaching on the ground by Resource Person Dr. Hemant Pednekar

Faculty and Students participated in Workshop

04/03/2020 Resource Person Dr. Vinod Pawar (Satara) given lecture on Importance and opportunities in Geography subject.

International Conference on Role of Economy and Ecology in Sustainable Development (Workshop- 03/05/2020)

Departmental Activities- 2020-2021

17/08/2021- International Conference “Conservation and Management of Natural Resources”

(Inauguration of conference and book publication in the presence of Resource Person Dr. Hemant Pednekar, Shri. Mahesh Gandhi, Dr. Sambhaji Patil and others)

Natural resources are dominant on the earth without Activities- By Mohamed Azizi -news published in daily newspaper Prahar

Departmental Activities- 2021-2022

16/03/2022 – Student and Faculty Exchange Program (at Govt. College, Khandola, Goa, Dr. R. B. Patil has given lecture on opportunity in Tourism)

Departmental Activities- 2022-2023

26/08/2022 -Field visit at Lore Metrological center
16/09/2022- Organized Ozone Day
02/03/2023 Resource Person Prof. Manoj Nimabalkar ( Baramati-Pune) has given lecture on How to write project work

14/01/2023 – Geography Day

Student and faculty exchange program held at SPK College Sawantwadi on 25/03/2023
25/03/2023- Field Trip at old Goa Church

Departmental Activities- 2023-2024

29/08/2023 Guest Lecture by Prof. Sanjaykumar Menshi (Kolhapur) has given lecture on how to write filed visit report.(with students)

01/09/2023 -Field visit at Lore Metrological center

15/01/2024 – Geography Day Inauguration of Wall paper ( Resource Person Dr. Hemant Pednekar has given lecture)
27/01/2024 -Field visit at Deogad Fort (Sindhudurg)
27/01/2024-Field visit at Deogad windmill power generation (Sindhudurg)


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