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" करू ज्ञानी गुणवंत सकल । कोणी न राहो अज्ञ दुर्बल "

Phondaghat Education Society's

Dist Sindhudurg 416601, Maharashtra State, INDIA

Institutional Distinctiveness

Institutional Distinctiveness of Phondaghat College 

Institutional Distinctiveness

We believed in imparting holistic education with emphasis on character building to create good citizens who can contribute effectively towards nation building. The Management has proactively lent its support to ensure that the quality of teaching learning process is sustained while there is a vertical and horizontal growth in the college.

• We have earned repute for distancing ourselves from commercialization of education. No donations are taken and no capitation fee charged for admission. Management follows transparent administrative practices, in all its transactions with students, faculty and all others concerned.

• College endeavors to inculcate a strong sense of Discipline in its functioning to ensure students build high levels of commitments. Discipline is implemented by Principal, Discipline committees with emphasis on maintaining attendance.

• An inclusive education policy is followed that ensures education to all without any discrimination. Inclusive education is worked through Certificate courses and enrichment lectures that helps the students from socially marginalized groups, vernacular medium students and academically weaker section of students to cope with their academics, while College helps the advanced learners.

• Collaborative and participative functioning is our strength wherein policy decisions right from the Management are taken after deliberations and brainstorming sessions with the heads at different levels. Academic and Admistrative Audits are conducted annually. Impartial administrative practices generate trust in the minds of staff leading to stability, security and a sense of belongingness to the institution. Academic calendar and planning, teachers’ reports reviewed monthly by HODs and semester wise by the Principal, monitoring of lectures taken and compensated, 100  coverage of syllabi help to create a strong academic culture in college.

• Staff induction programmes, timely promotion of professional growth of the staff, permission to participate in FDP and welfare activities, felicitation of the staff on completion of 25 years of service has created a conducive atmosphere contributing to developing a good work culture. Quality enhancement initiatives leading to an upward spiraling effect in several areas.

• Being the main stakeholders, students are allowed to participate at various levels to groom them to become future leaders. There are many committees set up for the academic and administrative purpose where students’ representatives are coopted e.g. IQAC, WDC, and Library etc. These activities enhance their leadership qualities, communication skills and personality.

• College abides strictly by all the rules and regulations of governing authorities such as JDHE, UGC, UoM and GoM during admissions, recruitment, career advancement (CAS), and superannuation and in discipline related matters. College has received letters of appreciation from government authorities in this regard.


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