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" करू ज्ञानी गुणवंत सकल । कोणी न राहो अज्ञ दुर्बल "

Phondaghat Education Society's

Dist Sindhudurg 416601, Maharashtra State, INDIA

Economics Department

Special Economics Literature

Course Available

It is surrounded by the ranges of Sahyandri Mountain. Malvan, Vijaydurg and Devgarh these are Historical Forts. Through the department of History Regional and the Cultural heritage of the region will be protected.

B.A.   U.G.    F.Y.B.A.

Level of Study
U.G.   S.Y.B.A.
U.G.   T.Y.B.A.

Economics Department


To promote of Economic situation of Maharashatra and India


To provide knowledge of local and global economy to the student.


1. To give information about rural economy

2. To introduce various economic theories of local, National, International Economists.

3. To inform about Agriculture, industry, service and co – operation sector in Indian economy.

4. To create awareness of environment conservation and sustainable development.

5. To informed the students how to utilize local natural resources for economic development.

Departmental Activities –

1 . Publication of LOKJAGAR handbook.
2. Publication of wall papers to develop writing skill.
3. Conducts workshops on project for research skill.
4. Organize student’s seminars for development of presentation skill.
5. Student’s participation in state, national level seminars and conferences.
6. Celebration of world population day.
7. Guest lecturers for the students.
8. Field visits.

Special efforts for the Student

LCD Projector, O.H.P. and T.V. these teaching aids used for the Teaching Methodology for the department of Economics.

Department future plan

1. Project on Economical importance of Phondaghat.
2. Organization of State Level Economics Conference and Seminar
3. Collection of the Historical Indian Coins.

Organization of Study tours

The Department has been Organizing Study tours at different Economical places

Teaching Staff


Success Stories




Happy Students


Years Experience